collage of sports - basketball, bowling, soccer, shooting, disc golf.


校内的运动 & 社区体育联盟

Have fun, make friends and stay active with 校内的运动 at Southeast Tech! 学生 have the option to participate in volleyball, basketball, bowling, disc golf, soccer or trap shooting, all at little to no cost! 

Recreational programs are supported by student activity fees paid upon registration 并向所有学生开放.  

Many Southeast Tech students also participate in the various 联盟, teams and individual sports offered by the City of Sioux Falls and other organizations. 

校内的运动   社区体育联盟



Intramural basketball takes place every spring semester. 您可以选择加入一个 男子联盟或男女混合联盟. 玩游戏 on Wednesday evenings throughout the semester with a tournament at the end of the 季节. 


打保龄球 takes place throughout the year on Wednesday evenings at 运动碗. 参与者 can bowl two free games each night with a tournament at the end of the 季节. 体育运动 Bowl offers end-of-季节 prize giveaways to Southeast Tech bowlers. 


Disc golf takes place on Monday evenings throughout the fall semester at our very 拥有自己的校园高尔夫球场. Teams are coed- occasionally games are played at Sioux Falls 公园.


Intramural soccer takes place on Tuesday evenings throughout the fall semester on the grassy field behind student housing. Games are coed, 8v8 and all sessions will include a skills portion and scrimmage.


Trap Shooting takes place on Monday evenings throughout the fall semester at Crooks 枪支俱乐部. Competition is on an individual basis with prizes awarded at the end for 最好的成绩. All participants must obtain safety training and a yearly membership.


Intramural volleyball takes place every fall semester. 你可以组建自己的团队 或者加入一个团队. Teams can be co-ed, all men, or all women. 玩游戏 on Wednesday evenings throughout the semester with a tournament at the end of the 季节. 




The City of Sioux Falls and other organizations offer community sports 联盟 that 对东南理工的学生开放吗. 

苏瀑公园 & 体育中心每年都会举办篮球联赛.
公园 & 康乐篮球联赛 
This 8-week 季节 begins in mid-March and is open to men and women 18 years or 老. 公园 & Rec躲避球联盟
The Sanford Power Fieldhouse offers men’s flag football in competitive and recreational 联盟.
The Sioux Falls Canaries also host a co-ed flag football league at the Birdcage beginning 9月. For more information, call the Canaries office at 605-336-6060. 
The Sioux Empire Adult Hockey League hosts two 联盟 beginning in October.

苏瀑乌鸦橄榄球俱乐部 is committed to fostering and growing the game of rugby in the City of Sioux Falls 以及周边地区. The Crow was established in 1991 and is a member of the Minnesota 橄榄球联合会.

Sioux Falls men’s fast pitch softball league begins in May. 
Slow Pitch Softball – Men, Women, Co-Ed 
苏福尔斯 许多的 慢球垒球联盟. Spring/summer and fall 联盟 are available. 价格是不同的 通过联盟. 更多信息请访问: 

苏福尔斯男子慢速投球 苏福尔斯男女混合垒球 苏福尔斯女子慢速球场 
Sioux Falls Co-Ed Soccer Leagues are geared to every skill level. 授权裁判 are used and play is year-round on indoor and outdoor fields. 单人游戏也一样 整个团队都欢迎. 欲知详情,请浏览 苏福尔斯成人足球 
苏瀑公园 & Rec offers indoor volleyball 联盟 and sand volleyball 联盟.
公园 & 康乐排球联赛 


Throughout the year, Minnehaha Archers offers several different 联盟. 冬季联赛 generally start in early January and run through early spring. 室内三维联赛 are on Tuesday evenings, while indoor spot 联盟 are on Thursday evenings. 每一个 league features several different classification levels to fit all degrees of proficiency 和设备. Summer 联盟 include a 3-D league and a spot league and start in 6月初.
The Sioux Falls Area 运行 Club consists of members who not only run for exercise and competition in race events, but also for pure enjoyment. 该组织支持和 promotes running in South Dakota, SW Minnesota, NE Nebraska and NW Iowa. 所有级别 有能力的人是受欢迎的.
The 苏福尔斯网球协会 offers men’s and women’s singles, men’s and women’s doubles and mixed doubles 联盟 at different skill levels for individuals 19 and 老. All 联盟 run for 10 weeks beginning in May through August. 苏福尔斯网球协会 
All of Sioux Falls’ bowling alleys offer bowling 联盟.
Eastway碗  帝国碗  运动碗  美好生活郊区车道